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The truth about the color of your milk. It's not what you think!
1 min read
Have you ever wondered why some milk looks yellow and some look white? Well, it's not about purity, it's all about what the cows eat! Cow milk often has a yellowish tint because of a pigment called beta-carotene. It's the same pigment that makes carrots orange. When cows munch on grass, this beta-carotene ends up [...]
White milk
1 min read
"It's so white, it must be pure!” Hold that thought! You might be surprised to learn that you've just fallen for one of the oldest tricks in the milk business! That white color might be telling you a very different story than you think. The White Deception That pure, snowy white color in your milk [...]
cow romaing
1 min read
“The great and characteristic problem of industrial agriculture is that it does not distinguish one place from another” - Wendell Berry, Farmland without Farmers It might seem like a trivial counterfactual, but the harrowing truth is that this is closer to reality than we might think.  From 1991 to 2001, the amount of people who [...]
1 min read
Role model farms, or demonstration farms are farms traditionally owned by governments or universities. They are akin to an experimental laboratory in which agricultural research is carried out.  The history of model farms dates back a little less than 3 centuries, with the aristocrat Phillp Emmanuel von Fellenberg purchasing about 250 acres of land near [...]
2024-0528 BL003 Food and Sustainability (1)
1 min read
Sustainable living, according to the United Nations Empowerment Programme means “understanding how our lifestyle choices impact the world around us and finding ways for everyone to live better and lighter”. This can be understood in an ecological context, with the proponents of sustainable living advocating for a more conscious approach toward consuming and living in [...]
2024-0528 BL004 How can consumers support farming (1)
1 min read
“I believe that a revolution can begin from this one strand of straw” Masanobu Fukuoaka, One Straw Revolution Why should I care about farming? Farming, in recent times, has been falling out of favor. The public expenditure on farming has shrunken in recent years.  The amount of fallow land and barren fields are rising due [...]
2024-0326 BL005 This Holi, Let’s GO GREEN! (and pink and yellow and red!)
1 min read
The festival of colours is around the corner and it is time to bring out the sweets, rejoice in the festivities and spend some quality time with your loved ones. But that’s not all! This year, it’s also time to celebrate the vibrant hues of nature – Akshayakalpa style! Join us as we help you [...]
2024-0326 BL006 On-the-go milk for those who live life on-the-go! (1)
1 min read
Milk has been synonymous with fitness and good health for decades – be it a mother giving a glassful to her little one or the traditional ‘Akhada’ wrestlers sipping on it between workouts – the quintessential ‘white glass of goodness’ has been a prominent visual. It is only with the introduction of malt-based milk mixers [...]
1 min read
In the heartlands of agriculture, where the livelihoods of millions thrive on the yield of the land, ensuring economic security for farmers is paramount. Amidst the challenges of fluctuating markets, unpredictable weather patterns, and evolving agricultural practices, organizations like Akshayakalpa are pioneering innovative approaches to empower farmers. Taking centre stage in their mission to provide [...]
2024-0326 BL008 Savouring the Pure The Organic Odyssey of Paneer
1 min read
In a world where health-conscious choices are gaining momentum, the demand for organic food has witnessed a significant upswing. Paneer, a versatile and beloved dairy product in many cuisines, is no exception to this trend and has found itself in the limelight in the recent past. But like everything else, all paneer is not created [...]
cheese board 1
1 min read
Cheese, a timeless culinary delight, has been enjoyed by people across the globe for centuries. Whether it's used in scrumptious sandwiches, delectable pasta dishes, or simply savoured on its own, cheese adds a burst of flavour and richness to any meal. But when it comes to choosing the right cheese for your culinary endeavours, the [...]
1 min read
Ghee is ubiquitous to Indian cuisine, be it sweets or tadka over curries. Every kitchen in India will be home to a jar of ghee. From adding a dollop on our dal to the gazillion sweets loaded with ghee, Indian meals are hardly ever complete without a spoonful of ghee. This love for ghee is [...]
1 min read
If you love your eggs, it’s hard to say no to a sinfully delicious cheese omelette, classic bread and sunny-side-up, comforting egg curry or indulgent Mughlai parathas. But we’ve all been told its best to keep eggs at bay during the warm summer months. While this piece of ‘advice’ has been passed down from generations, [...]
cow image grazing
1 min read
Once upon a time, all milk was pure. Let’s take you on a journey of what makes milk pure and as a result, organic. Picture yourself standing amidst the serene landscape of an organic dairy farm, where cows are free roaming, happy, have access to fresh water, food and even have a mattress to sleep [...]
1 min read
Dosas have captured the hearts and taste buds of people worldwide. They are a fantastic canvas for creativity, allowing you to experiment with various ingredients and flavours to make them even tastier and healthier. Whether you're a dosa aficionado or new to this culinary delight, here are 10 fun and interesting ways to take your [...]
The Dynamic Duo Carbon and Microbes – Unveiling the Superheroes of Soil Health (1)
1 min read
Imagine the soil as a bustling city, with microbes as its residents and carbon as the energy source that keeps everything running smoothly. These tiny but mighty organisms are the unsung heroes of the soil world, working tirelessly to keep our ecosystems healthy. Our first superhero, carbon, is like the city's power plant. It's found [...]
lemon grass
1 min read
In today’s fast-paced world where we don’t have the time to do a hundred things to take care of ourselves, where work-life balance has taken a back seat to our eagerness to get ahead in the corporate rat race, easy, simple and relatively quick ways to upkeep our health are the need of the hour. [...]
Buttermilk A Fountain of Health for All Ages (1)
1 min read
Buttermilk, a classic dairy beverage made with curd and enjoyed for its tangy twist, has long been a staple in Indian households. From being blended with cumin or flavoured with raw onions, this humble beverage takes on many forms, not just in India but across the globe. But beyond just its refreshing taste, buttermilk boasts [...]
Nourishing the Future with Clean 15 and Akshayakalpa (1)
1 min read
In a world where the quality of our food directly impacts our health and well-being, the Clean 15 and Akshayakalpa Organic stand out as beacons of sustainable, nutritious practices. The Clean 15 refers to a list of fruits and vegetables with lower pesticide residues, making them safer choices for consumers. This list was set up [...]
Pioneering FarmerCentric Innovation with Self Tested Milk (1)
1 min read
In the sphere of dairy farming, empowering farmers through on-farm milk testing heralds a new era of accountability, quality assurance, and sustainability. The traditional practice of testing milk in off-site laboratories has been reshaped by the innovative concept of enabling farmers to test the cow's milk right at the farm, ensuring only a quality product [...]
Curd The Winter Superfood (1)
1 min read
As winter blankets the world in its chilly embrace, our dietary choices play a pivotal role in fortifying our immune systems and maintaining overall well-being. Amidst the seasonal array of hearty stews and comforting soups, one often underestimated superfood stands out—the humble curd. While often shunned in the face of dropping temperatures as a hazard [...]
Sustainability in Action Embrace Akshayakalpa's Recycling Initiatives for a Sustainable Future (1)
1 min read
In an era where every action shapes the future of our planet, making a positive impact is not just a choice, but a responsibility upon each of us. Akshayakalpa, a leading name in sustainable farming and organic dairy, sets the stage for a greener tomorrow with its robust recycling initiatives. Today, we invite you to [...]
Not just your pocket eating out often could be burning a hole in your health too (1)
1 min read
Do you eat out at least 4-5 times a week? Are the food-delivery apps on your phone one of the most used ones? Is home-cooked food a novelty that you enjoy only once is a while? Then this is for you! With easy access to restaurant food - not to forget the vast variety available [...]
Embracing Winter Wellness with Akshayakalpa Products (1)
1 min read
As the chilly winds of winter usher in a season of festivities, celebrations and joy, it also brings along a set of challenges to our health and well-being. The dropping temperatures and the shift in weather conditions often impact our immunity, making us more susceptible to colds, the flu, and other seasonal allergies and illnesses. [...]
Cultivating Knowledge What Students Can Learn by Visiting the Akshayakalpa Farm (1)
1 min read
In an age where our connection to food and the environment is more important than ever, the opportunity to visit an Indian organic farm can be an enriching and transformative educational experience for students. Beyond the traditional classroom setting, an organic farm offers a unique learning experience outside the walls of a classroom, where students [...]
Baby Steps Towards No Fuss Toddler Meals Fun and Healthy Food Ideas for Fussy Toddlers (1)
1 min read
Raising a toddler, especially one with discerning tastes, can often present culinary challenges for most mothers. Getting your little one to eat healthier, tastier food can be a battle in itself that requires meticulous planning and a toss-up chance of success. We understand the struggles mothers face in ensuring your child's meals are not only [...]
Pure and Natural How Akshayakalpa Milk is Free from Induced Growth Hormones (1)
1 min read
With lifestyle diseases being in the limelight in recent years, there has been a growing concern among consumers about the quality and safety of the food they consume. One particular concern is the use of growth hormones in dairy farming, which can have adverse effects on both animal health and human well-being. Akshayakalpa, a prominent [...]
Cultivating Green How Farming Emerges as the Biggest Carbon Sequestration Mechanism (1)
1 min read
The human race is in a state of war. The fight against climate change demands innovative solutions, and farming, often overlooked in this regard, emerges as an unexpectedly potent ally. Beyond providing food and nourishment, agriculture, when conducted sustainably, serves as a significant and natural force in capturing and storing carbon from the atmosphere in [...]
Dig in Unravelling the Mystery of Solidified Honey (1)
1 min read
Honey, often hailed as the liquid gold of nature, possesses a captivating ability to undergo a remarkable transformation—solidification. While it may raise a few eyebrows, the solidification of honey is a natural and common occurrence, showcasing the authenticity and purity of this sweet nectar. So, why does real, pure honey solidify? The primary reason behind [...]
Give Your Day a Sweet Start Fun Ways to Add Honey to Your Indian Breakfast (1)
1 min read
Indian breakfast is a celebration of flavours, spices, and diverse culinary traditions. While we often think of honey as a sweetener for tea or desserts, it can be a versatile addition to your morning meal, bringing a delightful balance of sweetness to your favourite dishes. Honey-Infused Curd/Yogurt: Curd or Yogurt is a common component of [...]
farmer fodder
1 min read
In recent years, the importance of supporting sustainable and ethical agriculture practices has gained widespread recognition. Consumers are increasingly seeking products that not only benefit their health but also contribute to the well-being of the environment and local communities. In the midst of farmer markets and direct-from-farm purchase opportunities, Akshayakalpa has emerged as a shining [...]
1 min read
Bananas are one of nature's most versatile and nutritious fruits. Rich in essential nutrients such as potassium, dietary fibre, and vitamins like vitamin C and B6, they are a great addition to one’s diet. The natural sugars in bananas offer a quick energy boost, making them a perfect snack for the active lifestyle of many [...]
Feeling blue Change your eating habits (2)
1 min read
The link between eating good food and staying fit and healthy is one that has been highlighted to us from a young age. From higher energy levels, lasting stamina to better hair, skin and nails – all have been attributed to eating a nutritionally-balanced diet. But the impact of food on mental health has come [...]
Akshayakalpa Organic Milk A Naturally Antibiotic Free Dairy Delight (1)
1 min read
In recent years, the demand for organic and antibiotic-free products has been on the rise, and for a good reason. Consumers are becoming increasingly health-conscious and concerned about the quality of the food they consume. One area where this trend is particularly prevalent is in the dairy industry. Akshayakalpa Organic, a renowned Indian brand, has [...]
Restored for Good (5)
1 min read
When one thinks about waste generation, the image that crops up is heaps of plastic trash in landfills. But hidden in all the debris is another kind of waste that accounts for almost 3% waste generated by households in India – TEXTILE WASTE! The Indian Textile Journal reports that more than 1 million tons of [...]
curd (2)
1 min read
Lactose sensitivity is a prevalent dietary concern affecting a significant portion of the population. According to a study, almost 68% of the world’s population has lactose. (1) Lactose sensitivity, often confused with lactose intolerance, is a condition where some people experience digestive discomfort after consuming lactose, a naturally-occurring sugar found in milk and dairy products. [...]
Embracing Winter Wellness with Akshayakalpa Products (1)
1 min read
As the winter chill settles in, let your commitment to staying active and fit not waver. But in the colder months, post-workout nutrition becomes an ever- crucial component in your wellness journey, and opting for organic foods amplifies the benefits. Here’s how organic offerings from Akshayakalpa can take centre stage in your fitness regime: 1. [...]
1 min read
As winter blankets the world in frosty landscapes, our skin, hair, and overall well-being crave extra care and nourishment. In this season of self-care, one natural elixir emerges as a true winter companion – organic virgin coconut oil. Adding this elixir to your daily routines can help you navigate these cold months in a more [...]
cheese board 1
1 min read
As Christmas lights twinkle and the air carries the scent of festivities, why not infuse your celebrations with the richness and the goodness of scrumptious organic delights? In India, where every festival is a grand affair, embracing a fun-filled, organic Christmas can add a unique and delightful touch to your holiday season. Let's explore out-of-the-box [...]
Freedom struggle that continues even after independence. (4)
1 min read
Be it a cup of coffee or tea, milk with jaggery or chocolate-flavoured, most of us cannot start our days without hot milk. For Indians, the importance of milk is undeniable. Every morning, fresh packets of milk arrive at our gates and doors by delivery agents who start their day in the wee hours and [...]
1 min read
The festival of lights is upon us and no celebration is complete without food, family and fun. It’s the time to plan parties, put up decorations and make merry with your loved ones. This Diwali, enjoy the festivities without the fear of gaining a few extra kilos and make choices that allow you to enjoy [...]
Embracing Winter Wellness with Akshayakalpa Products (1)
1 min read
The festive season is upon us and the stories of good prevailing over evil are rampant. While most of these mythical stories date back centuries, the victory of good is relevant even today – albeit in different ways! In the world of dairy and food production, there are numerous challenges that need to be addressed [...]
1 min read
Cheese, with its myriad textures and flavours, has captured the hearts of food enthusiasts around the world. While it may be most famously associated with Western cuisine, cheese has found a special place in the hearts of Indian food lovers too. Pairing cheese with complementary ingredients can elevate your culinary experience to new heights. Before [...]
1 min read
Idli and dosa are quintessential South Indian delicacies that have earned a special place in the hearts, plates and palates of food enthusiasts worldwide. The key to perfect idlis and crispy dosas lies not only in the preparation but also in the storage of the batter. While the batter is best consumed fresh (Akshayakalpa Organic [...]
Akshayakalpa Organic Milk A Naturally Antibiotic Free Dairy Delight (1)
1 min read
We've all heard the age-old belief that thick cream or malai is the ultimate marker of high-quality milk. But it's time to unravel the truth and expose the myths surrounding this notion. Join us on a journey as we dive deep into the science of milk and discover how thick cream can sometimes be a [...]
Kitchen (1)
1 min read
They say, good health is made in the kitchen. And while that sounds great in principle and honestly, everyone wants to eat healthy and ‘clean’, the real trouble starts when you attempt to translate these ambitions to reality. As a piece of practical advice, we would recommend that you don’t try and overhaul your eating [...]
Ghee the healthier choice (2)
1 min read
Ghee, the golden elixir of Indian kitchens, is treasured for its rich flavour and numerous health benefits. However, not all ghee is created equal. The rise of organic ghee has brought to light several compelling reasons why it should be your preferred choice over regular ghee. One of the most pressing issues with regular mass-market [...]
1 min read
We often associate cheese with indulgence and guilty pleasures. After all, the first thing most of us think of when we hear cheese is a juicy cheese burger or one of the many street foods that’s topped up with a mountain of shredded processed cheese. But did you know that real, unprocessed cheddar cheese, a [...]
Breakfast blog (1)
1 min read
Breakfast is the fuel that kickstarts our day, and choosing the right foods can make a significant difference in our energy levels and overall well-being. If you're looking for breakfast options that are not only delicious but also nutritious, consider the powerhouse combination of paneer, eggs, tender coconut, and curd. These ingredients offer a wide [...]
1 min read
We often ask ourselves, who are we doing this for? This effort, these processes, this toiling, early morning deliveries and late night quality checks – who’s noticing it? At the end of the day, are we losing out to someone who hires a celebrity to tout their product or spends a ton of their consumer’s [...]
Sustainable eating for urban households. (1)
1 min read
As a country with a rapidly growing population and an expanding middle class, the demand for food resources is escalating. Embracing sustainable eating practices is not merely a choice but a necessity to ensure food security and mitigate the strain on natural resources. By shifting towards locally sourced, seasonal, and organic foods, Indians can reduce [...]
1 min read
Soil is the foundation of life. Its health is vital for the well-being of our planet. Unfortunately, modern conventional farming practices have often taken a toll on soil health, leading to erosion, degradation, and loss of valuable nutrients. The need for sustainable farming practices has become more urgent than ever to protect and nourish the [...]
curd (1)
1 min read
Curd has been a part of human diets for centuries and is popular across the world in various forms even today. This delectable delight owes its existence to the magical action of bacteria that play a pivotal role in the fermentation process that transforms milk into the creamy, tangy, and probiotic-rich curd we all love. [...]
1 min read
Onam's essence as a farmer's festival is derived from its connection to the agricultural cycle. It is celebrated at the end of the monsoon season when the fields are lush and bountiful with crops. The festival is a way for the farming community to express gratitude to the deities and nature for a successful harvest. [...]
1 min read
As one of the most loved dairy products, cheese holds a special place in most of our hearts. And with its fast gained popularity as a snack, salad addition and food ingredient, it has won over many of our kitchens too! But as with everything, with great demand comes sub-par supply. While cheese has become [...]
1 min read
In India, eggs are one of the most widely available and widely consumed proteins. Loaded with nutrients, it is considered by most as one of the key items in a balanced diet to meet nutritional gaps, especially for children. In recent years, our supermarket shelves have started lining up with a wide range of eggs [...]
cow Milk
1 min read
‘Organic milk’ comes from cows that are raised as per organic farming standards and is free from antibiotics, synthetic hormones, and chemical residues. For milk to be organic, the cows must follow an organic diet, live in hygienic conditions and the milk must not contain any additives.  ‘Ultra-heat treated’ is milk that has been sterilized [...]
Freedom struggle that continues even after independence. (2)
1 min read
No, UHT milk does not rely on any preservatives to extend its shelf life.  The Ultra-heat treatment for UHT milk kills all bacteria present in the milk, thereby increasing its shelf-life naturally. After sterilization, the milk is packed in special aseptic packaging that prevents any light and air contamination and ensures the milk stays safe [...]
1 min read
No, UHT milk does not rely on any preservatives to extend its shelf life.  The Ultra-heat treatment for UHT milk kills all bacteria present in the milk, thereby increasing its shelf-life naturally. After sterilization, the milk is packed in special aseptic packaging that prevents any light and air contamination and ensures the milk stays safe [...]
cow Milk
1 min read
With multiple options of milk available in the market, choosing the right milk for your family can be a daunting task.  However, the main criteria for choosing milk for your family should be the source of the milk and the nutrition it provides.  Organic milk comes from cows that are raised as per organic farming [...]
2024-0326 BL006 On-the-go milk for those who live life on-the-go! (1)
1 min read
‘Ultra-heat treatment’ is a process of heating fresh milk to a high temperature of about 140-142 degrees Celsius for 2, to kill bacteria in milk and increase its shelf-life naturally.  UHT milk is not reconstituted milk and retains all the macro-nutrients and benefits of fresh milk.  Akshayakalpa Organic Cow Milk is ultra-heat treated organic cow [...]
1 min read
‘Organic milk’ comes from cows that are raised as per organic farming standards and is free from antibiotics, synthetic hormones and chemical residues. For milk to be organic, the cows must follow an organic diet, live in hygienic conditions and the milk must not contain any additives.  Akshayakalpa Organic Cow Milk is ultra-heat treated organic [...]
1 min read
During Ultra-heat treatment for UHT milk, milk is heated to a high temperature of about 140-142 degrees Celsius for 2 seconds, killing bacteria and naturally increasing the shelf-life of milk.  The sterilized milk is then packed in sterilized containers under sterile conditions by a process known as aseptic packaging. The specialized aseptic packaging prevents any [...]
kids with uht milk
1 min read
UHT (Ultra High Treatment) milk is a suitable and safe option for children, offering comparable nutritional benefits to fresh milk. It undergoes a process of pasteurization at high temperatures, which effectively kills harmful bacteria while preserving essential nutrients. UHT milk can be a convenient choice as it has a longer shelf life and doesn't require [...]
UHT milk mom and son
1 min read
With multiple options of milk available in the market, choosing the right milk for your family can be confusing and difficult.  Fresh milk is milk that undergoes no heat processing. It is delivered soon after milking and has to be consumed within a short shelf-life.  ‘Ultra-heat treated’ is milk that has been sterilized by heating [...]
UHT milk chilled or frozen use
1 min read
Yes, UHT milk can be chilled. You can also freeze and unfreeze UHT milk, but the texture and flavour of milk may vary.  Due to its naturally increased shelf-life, it does not need to be refrigerated until opened. Because UHT milk does not require boiling before consumption, chilled UHT milk can directly be used in [...]
Freedom struggle that continues even after independence.
1 min read
Akshayakalpa Organic milk from happy, healthy cows living on our organic farms and feeding on an organic diet is free from antibiotics, induced hormones and chemical residues.  With a wide of range of pure and unadulterated organic milk available at your doorstep, you are bound to find one that suits your nutrition and dietary preferences.  [...]
farmer fodder
1 min read
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) enables consumers to purchase a ‘share’ in a given farm, allowing the farmer to cover production costs such as cropping, harvesting, etc. in return for a supply of fresh produce throughout the season, or for a specified period.  It connects consumers and producers, allowing consumers to have more holistic knowledge of [...]
2023-0217 Paddy Harvest Photos40
1 min read
A study by the CSDS (Centre for the Study of Developing Societies) which covered 18 states with a sample size of 5350 houses in India from December 2013-Jan 2014 reports that 36% of farmers reported that they live in huts or kutcha' houses, while 44% live in mixed houses.  Only 18% of the farmers reported [...]
Akshayakalpa Organic Farming on Akshayakalpa cows grazing Lands.
1 min read
From 2004-05 and 2011-12, India’s labor force in the agricultural sector went down from 58.5% to 48.9%. While in recent years there has been a slight uptick which is attributable to the covid-19 pandemic, the larger trend is clear. From 1991-2021, employment in agriculture has dropped from 64% to 44%. Agriculture makes up 3% of [...]
Feeling blue Change your eating habits (2)
1 min read
Mindfulness can be defined as “paying attention in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally”. Mindfulness can be practiced either through meditation or other methods which enhance one’s awareness of the present. Mindfulness has been associated with a myriad of health benefits. Cancer patients and people suffering from other ailments such [...]
1 min read
Food for thought: What would you call the age that we live in? Though a benign question, it lets us do a reality check on how much the world changes around us without our notice. Every invention and change of policy alter our routines ever so slightly, until one day we find ourselves living completely [...]
UHT milk chilled or frozen use
1 min read
Back in the day, when most houses had a few cows, milk was consumed within hours of the cows being milked. Today, with most of us living in urban households, having cows at home for fresh milk is either a distant memory or wishful thinking. The milk we purchase and consume has had a long [...]
1 min read
At a time when there is no dearth of artificial sweeteners available in your local supermarket to satiate your sweet tooth, multi-floral honey is one of the healthiest substitutes for processed sugar that you can find! Read on to know why! Originally introduced as a means to keep diabetes in control, artificial sweeteners are chemicals [...]
2023-0410 FVT114
1 min read
It’s easy to pop into your local supermarket or grocery store to pick up fruits, vegetables, milk and eggs. But how safe are they to consume? Are they fresh? Above all, are they nutritious? We know that farms, in their need to maximize yield and profits and minimize spoilage, use copious amounts of fertilizers, pesticides, [...]
Akshayakalpa Organic Milk Farm visit
1 min read
Babies and milk go hand-in-hand. And we, as Indians, are virtually inseparable from milk as we grow older too. We start our day with a warm cup of coffee or tea prepared from milk, almost all our meals have milk or milk products as ingredients either as butter, curd, ghee, paneer or as milk itself. [...]
curd (1)
1 min read
Gone are the days when ‘home-made’ was the norm and ‘store-bought’ had a sense of novelty. Grandmothers often insisted that we make everything - from curd to besan laddoos- at home. Throwing out things was unheard of in times bygone. From old t-shirts becoming potholders to empty bottles being repainted to delightful vases, everything was [...]
2023-0211 FVT photos4
1 min read
Bees are one of the most industrious beings on Earth. It takes 12 bees their entire lifetime to make a spoon of honey where every bee visits 50 to 100 flowers each time it sets out to collect nectar. At their most productive, a single colony can make up to 800 kilograms of honey. But [...]
500mlMilkboardPasteurized_3_4th copy
1 min read
Does enjoying your cup of coffee, sipping on a milkshake or indulging in your favourite ice-cream leave you feeling sick, bloated or nauseous? You could be lactose-intolerant! Lactose is a naturally-occurring type of sugar found in dairy. Some individuals do not produce enough lactase enzyme to digest this sugar, they are known to be suffering [...]
cheese board 1
1 min read
As one of the most loved dairy products, cheese holds a special place in most of our hearts. And with its fast gained popularity as a snack, salad addition and food ingredient, it has won over many of our kitchens too! But as with everything, with great demand comes sub-par supply. While cheese has become [...]
1 min read
Traditionally and culturally, in India, cows are milked by hand. At dawn, the farmer gives something for the cow to chew on, washes the udder, puts some oil on the teats and begins the milking process, filling a bucket with milk. We’ve all grown up seeing countless advertisements depicting the same to a point we [...]
1 min read
Today, at a time when the whole world is facing a shortage of clean resources, it is the duty and responsibility of every citizen and industry to ensure optimum use of natural resources and proper treatment of all waste materials. The top 3 natural resources that are highest risk are oil, water and forests. At [...]
1 min read
Whether you are an expectant mother or breastfeeding your baby, eating healthy is your highest priority. You want to ensure that you and your baby are getting the necessary nutrients but none of the bad stuff. What you eat is what your baby eats. In a vegetarian diet, paneer is one of the easiest and [...]
A1 A2 Nutrition Value v1.0 (1)
1 min read
Milk is the only food in the world that provides 18 of the 22 essential nutrients required for human survival – making it one of the most consumed foods through history and till date.   However, what plagues most of us is the need to figure out which is the healthiest milk for us to consume [...]
A2 Costs More- v1.8
1 min read
While there isn’t a price one can put on the health of their loved ones, some foods do cost more than others.   A2 milk that has a high concentration of beta-casein proteins A2 is one such commodity.   However, the price of this milk is often higher than regular milk due to a disparity in its [...]
A2 Milk Healthier v1.6
1 min read
As one of the only foods providing 18 of the 22 essential nutrients required for human survival, milk is an important part of a healthy diet. However, which milk is the healthier choice is a question that is yet unanswered.   The difference between A2 milk and regular milk is the presence of certain beta-casein [...]
Akshayakalpa Organic Milk A Naturally Antibiotic Free Dairy Delight (1)
1 min read
Milk is always a good idea, albeit often a confusing one!  Slim milk or low-fat, organic or conventional, A1 or A2 – the choices are endless.   The primary difference between A1 and A2 milk lies in the protein. Casein is the largest group of proteins found in milk, of which beta-casein is the 2nd most [...]
Chemical free A2 v1.5 (1)
1 min read
If you’ve ever stood in the milk aisle of a supermarket and felt sheer confusion at the assorted types of milk available, you’re not alone. With milk being an ever-popular part of the Indian diet, there are innumerable varieties available for the choosing based on fat content, source of milk and type of protein present.   [...]
Check if A2 v1.6
1 min read
The Ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians considered milk as ‘Food from the Gods’ due to its nourishing properties.   And even though today, milk is revered for its life-giving benefits, consumerism has made us more selective of the kind of milk one adds to their daily diet. Milk is divided based on fat content, source, type [...]
DALL·E 2023-05-27 19.18.18 - digital art of a person eating a cube of paneer while playing a game of chess
1 min read
Nutrition for chess  It might come as a surprise to readers to discover the strange affinity that chess - a psychologically taxing game which demands mental grit - has to boxing. Yes, really. Boxing. There are “chess-boxing” events held in which two players battle it out using their brains and brawn in alternating rounds. The [...]
LemonGrassFront (1)
1 min read
Lemongrass is a type of grass that is known for its lemony aroma and citrus flavour. It is commonly used in many recipes, household remedies and beauty products. Akshayakalpa Organic Lemongrass grows on same chemical-free farms used to grow organic fodder for our cows and is sun-dried to retain its enticing, fresh aroma! Because the [...]
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When ghee is made using organic milk and without the use of chemicals or synthetic additives of any kind, it is known as organic ghee. Akshayakalpa Organic ghee is crafted from organic cow milk from cows living on organic farms and feeding on organic fodder. The milk is free from antibiotics, synthetic hormones, and chemical [...]
1 min read
One of the purest forms of coconut oil is Virgin coconut oil. When virgin coconut oil comes from coconuts grown on chemical-free soils – without the use of synthetic fertilizers or pesticides – it is known as Organic Virgin coconut oil. Fresh coconut meat from handpicked coconuts grown on organic farms located in the ‘Sweet [...]
DosaBatter_Mockup_Front - Copy
1 min read
For any food item to be labeled organic, the ingredients used to make it need to be organic too. Akshayakalpa Organic idli-dosa batter is made from organic whole grains that are grown on chemical-free organic farms that are free from synthetic pesticides or fertilizers. It is traditionally stone-ground and allowed its own time to ferment [...]
1 min read
Copra is the dried, white flesh of the coconut that is used to extract oil and as an ingredient in many recipes. When the copra is derived from coconut trees grown on chemical-free soils, and without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilizers, it is known as organic copra. Akshayakalpa Organic copra comes from coconut [...]
cheese board
1 min read
Cheese that is crafted entirely using organic milk from cows with an organic diet is known as organic cheese. It has many advantages over processed cheese, making it the healthier option: a. Because organic cheese is made from organic milk that is free from antibiotics, synthetic hormones, and chemical residues, the resulting cheese is devoid [...]
curd (1)
1 min read
The APEDA (Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority) and the FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) are the governing bodies for organic foods in India – including dairy. Organic dairy is a result of organic farming practices. It is free from antibiotics, synthetic growth hormones, and chemical residues and is full [...]
introduce your kid to milk
1 min read
Akshayakalpa Organic milk from cows feeding on organic fodder is delivered straight from organic farms to your doorstep – with its purity, fat, and other nutrients intact. Toddlers below 2 years of age require fats as a part of their diet for healthy brain development and overall growth. Many parents are turning to organic whole [...]
feeling blue
1 min read
It’s easy to run down to the local supermarket or grocery store to pick up some fruits, vegetables, milk or eggs. But how safe are they really for us to consume? We’ve known for years that the widely available mass-produced crops are laden with chemicals to improve yield, protect it from insects and rodents, and [...]
Buttermilk A Fountain of Health for All Ages (1)
1 min read
On a warm summer day, there are few things as refreshing (and yet nutritious!) as a cool sip of buttermilk. One of India’s favourite cold beverages that dates back centuries had seen a waning in its popularity in the past few decades with shops stocking up with unhealthy carbonated and artificially-sweetened beverages. But with rising [...]
adding curd to your diet
1 min read
With the temperatures beginning to soar, curd is one of the best ways to cool down. And besides its calming effect on the body, adding curd to your diet brings a world of benefits - from strengthening your immunity and improving digestion to helping with weight loss and controlling hypertension. While curd tastes great by [...]
Copy of Unnamed Design (16)
1 min read
Back in the 90’s and early 2000’s, coconut oil had a very bad reputation. Everyone was told to avoid it because of its association with bad cholesterol. However, with further studies [1] conducted, coconut oil was exonerated a few years ago and was back in everyone’s kitchen. And this time, it brought it its little [...]
1 min read
Water is one of our most precious natural resources that supports all life. From regulating the Earth’s temperature to keeping our body working smoothly, water is integral for all living beings to survive. Yet, it is the resource that faces the maximum abuse. Water wastage is at its peak due to careless mass commercialization in [...]
bread myths
1 min read
From being a staple for meals to fancy adaptations, the humble bread has been on an ever-evolving journey in the last few decades and in the process has gone from being the hero to the villain of our diets. And whether you hate it or love it, you cannot deny that bread has been an [...]
benifits of coconut water in summer
1 min read
Just when you thought it couldn’t get any hotter, another day dawns! Sweltering in heat and awash with sweat, you’re going about your day – trying to keep your energy up, fighting off the light-headedness and looking forward to the cool respite of the evening or the air-conditioning. But alas, it is not to be…. [...]
Copy of Unnamed Design (16)
1 min read
When the coconuts used for the extraction of oil are grown on chemical-free organic farms, the oil too is considered organic. The traditional methods of cold pressing are used to extract virgin oils at room temperature, which allows the oil to retain its natural aroma and fresh flavor. There is no chemical refining or bleaching, [...]
1 min read
Organic bread is crafted from whole-wheat flour and without the use of maida (all-purpose flour) or dough conditioners, emulsifiers, rising agents, or preservatives. Usually baked in small batches by expert bakers who carefully measure ingredients, double-proof the dough, and bake it to golden perfection, organic artisanal bread is more nutritious and tastier than regular bread. [...]
DosaBatter_Mockup_Front - Copy
1 min read
Whether the dosa or idli batter is organic depends solely on the grains used to make it. When the batter is made using whole grains that grow on organic farms, the result is the organic batter. It is free from any chemical residues, pesticides, soda, or preservatives. Akshayakalpa Organic batter brings back the true essence [...]
Buttermilk A Fountain of Health for All Ages (1)
1 min read
When the curd used to make buttermilk is crafted from organic milk, the resulting buttermilk is organic by nature. The curd contains the nutrients of organic milk and live gut-friendly bacteria – which are passed on to the buttermilk - making it a great way to add hydration, nutrition, and the benefits of probiotics to [...]
benifits of coconut water in summer
1 min read
Organic coconuts are grown on certified organic farms without the use of synthetic fertilizers or pesticides and are not genetically modified. The nutrition in the coconut is derived from the naturally-occurring nutrients in healthy and thriving soil, making it great for direct consumption or for extraction of virgin coconut oil. Because of its hard outer [...]
Cheddar cheese (1)
1 min read
For a cheese to be called ‘organic’, it has to be crafted from organic milk. Here are 3 reasons why organic cheese should be on your shopping list: - Milk from free-roaming cows, feeding on organic fodder that is free from antibiotics, synthetic hormones, and chemical residues has a higher concentration of nutrients and essential [...]
adding curd to your diet
1 min read
Not all curd is created the same. The quality and purity of the curd depend on the core ingredient used to make it – MILK! When curd if crafted using organic milk from cows feeding on organic fodder, that is grown on certified organic soils, then it can be deemed as ‘Organic curd’. Organic curd [...]
Akshayakalpa Organic Milk A Naturally Antibiotic Free Dairy Delight (1)
1 min read
The story of the freshness of Akshayakalpa Organic milk begins at our organic farms. Cows feeding on fresh, organic fodder and living in natural conditions result in milk that is free from antibiotics, synthetic hormones, chemical residues or preservatives. Upon milking, the milk is chilled in a specially-designed bulk chiller to protect its freshness and [...]
2024-0526 Pooriyambakkam Farm 11
1 min read
A visit to the Akshayakalpa farm will bring you amidst 24 acres of lush greenery. Every direction you look towards will have you casting your eye upon a different kind of tree, plant or shrub – each with its own quirks, peculiarities and distinguishing features. If you look closely at them and read between the [...]
slow cooking
1 min read
We’re hustling, we’re bustling and every day is a raging war against the ‘to-do’ list for most of us. Then its but normal that our focus is often on filling our tummies with quick, convenient food-on-the-go rather than focus on what we’re eating and how its cooked. The result? A diet that relies heavily on [...]
ways to store ghee (1)
1 min read
Recently, we spoke about the benefits of ghee during winters (You can catch that blog here: ghee-a-dollop-of-good-health-this winter. But if you think that the benefits of this golden elixir are limited only to the colder months, you couldn’t be more wrong! Organic ghee has a host of myriad benefits that make it the perfect addition [...]
Akshayakalpa Organic Milk A Naturally Antibiotic Free Dairy Delight (1)
1 min read
When Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, said, “Let food by thy medicine...”, he was onto something! And although this adage dates back thousands of years, it couldn’t be truer today about the relationship between nutrition in food and a healthy lifestyle. While growing food with the right balance of nutrients has always been important, with [...]
1 min read
To meet growing demand for food, the Green revolution has left farmers living in a catch-22 situation - trying to balance the need for fertility in soil and the dearth of nutrients in the produce – forcing them to turn to artificial fertilizers and pesticides. When we consume food laden with chemical residues, they are [...]
cow romaing
1 min read
It is a truth universally acknowledged that we all want to lead healthy lifestyles along with our loved ones with no exposure to anything harmful. Yet little nasties have a way of creeping up on us! From packaged, processed food to the floor cleaning liquid or even the water we drink – sometimes, it may [...]
be the change
1 min read
Nutrition in food is directly dependent on the nutrients in soil. Healthier the soil, healthier the plant, fruits and vegetables. But what happens when the soil in itself is deficient in nutrients? A soil health survey in 2019-20 by the Indian Government shows average Indian soils are 55% deficient in nitrogen, 42% deficient in phosphorous [...]
lemon grass
1 min read
Native to South-east Asia, lemongrass is a herb that has won the hearts (and taste buds) of many a food enthusiasts around the world. Its fresh, lemony aroma and citrusy flavour is a perfect addition to recipes of desserts, drinks and curries. Apart from adding flavour to dishes, this herb also brings with it a [...]
bread myths
1 min read
From ‘Breaking bread together’ to ‘buttering your bread on both sides’, idioms revolving around this dietary staple are aplenty! Having been around since 8000 BC, bread still tops the list of one of the much-loved foods today. Over the years, just like most other foods, bread too has undergone a makeover. By the 20th century, [...]
1 min read
It’s true, we Indians love our sweets. Which probably explains the staggering amount of sugar we eat in a year! As per a study conducted in 2020, the average Indian adult consumes 19.4 kgs of sugar every year and this translates to children in India consuming three times more sugar than they should. (1) (2) [...]
1 min read
Protein found in Amarathus is nearly double the amount found in corn and rice. Amaranthus - The grain gifted by god and the superfood of ancient India! Amaranth—one tiny seed, so many names! There is, in fact, one theory that suggests that the name “Amaranth” comes from Sanskrit words connoting “one that defies death”! The [...]
banana conventional
1 min read
Did you know though both conventional and organic bananas seem to have the same nutrition theoretically, there is a vast difference in its production methods. The main ones are The organic ones are grown in organic soil, soil that is full of bio organisms. No pesticides , no synthetic fertiliser Organically grown bananas have more [...]
eating wellbalanced meals
1 min read
At Akshayakalpa Organic, we strongly believe that ‘Nutrition prompts Nutrition’ and the story of the nutrients and purity of our organic milk is rooted in the soil of our farms – literally! Our farmers work closely with nutritionists to plan the diet for our cows. Because cows can spend almost 5 hours in a day [...]
Ak women farmer
1 min read
“There is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women” – Kofi Annan (Former General-Secretary of the United Nations) As we celebrate achievements of women around the world, Akshayakalpa brings the spotlight on the unspoken backbone of Indian Agriculture – women farmers. With women farmers making up 75% of the agricultural community, [...]
ghee Ak
1 min read
Some smells rouse special memories in our minds – our mother’s perfume, the aroma of our favourite meal or the petrichor of fresh rain. One such smell that takes many of us on a trip down memory lane is the warm, satisfying aroma of melted ghee! Widely used in most Indian households, desi ghee has [...]
Everyone is a winner
1 min read
India is one of the world's largest food-consuming nations.  There are nearly 15 million farmers fewer than there were in 1991. Over 7.7 million less since 2001, as the latest Census data show.  On average, that’s about 2,035 farmers losing ‘Main Cultivator’ status every single day for the last 20 years.  This raises an existential question: who will [...]
water storage
1 min read
What happens when you flush or use water at our farms?  You end up re-using it!  All the water you use at our model farm is actually treated and recycled water from our in-house effluent treatment plant (ETP).  Every day over 2 lakh liters of water gets treated and re-used from our in-house ETP.  At Akshayakalpa organic, we work [...]
how we keep AK cows stress- free
1 min read
You know the instant sense of relief and excitement you feel when you’re at a party and one of your best friends enters the room? Cows experience this, too!  If a cow spends enough positive time with a human, they might start to see them as part of the cow's “herd.”  This is how researchers discovered that cows [...]
Ak women farmer
1 min read
"For of all gainful professions, nothing is better, nothing more pleasing, nothing more delightful, nothing better become a well-bred human than agriculture".  Toiling early and toiling late, Toiling patiently, day by day;  This good woman when in this life,  She is a kind mother and good wife, And manages her household with care, She and her husband a happy pair.  And [...]
water usage
1 min read
We use foot pedals instead of taps at our farms to save water.  Washing your hands, face or utensils with the water running, leads to a wastage of 19 liters of water with every wash.  At our farms, we perform a large number of sustainable activities. One of which is a simple innovation for washbasins. We have [...]
be the change
1 min read
The learning, hard work, perseverance combined with the love for work by all our colleagues at Pooriyambakkam farm was well rewarded by the Mother Nature.  The beautiful sunrise filled us all with the energy and glow for the first harvesting of the golden grains(paddy).  The young and old, the blue and white collared chaps all joined hands [...]
cute cow
1 min read
This Valentine’s Day   We are celebrating our love for zero!   At Akshayakalpa organic, Zero means good.   - Akshayakalpa organic cows roam stress-free and have access to food and water 24/7 hence the milk from our farms has zero antibiotics, zero growth hormones and zero stress hormones.   - As our cows eat only organic in-house grown [...]
1 min read
China employs “human pollinators” to pollinate apples and other fruit crops to secure yields.  Farmers’ inputs in a recent study show that the population of some bees in India has declined by 80%.  Honeybees are moving fast towards extinction in the world. If all the honeybees died, humans would become responsible for taking up the slack. This [...]
riped banana
1 min read
“Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world” - Nelson Mandela  This quote holds true for all parts of life including understanding the food we eat.  With an effort to create awareness and educate people about food safety, the Environmental Working Group creates 2 lists every year that take the world [...]
people visit farm
1 min read
But can exposing employees to nature result in greater employee productivity?   Scientific evidence mounting from the 1970s does show that the influence of nature has a great impact on employee productivity.  One key study revealed that office workers even with very little interaction with nature, as little as nature’s view from their windows were happier at [...]
how we keep AK cows stress- free
1 min read
Organic milk and dairy products are the outcomes at the end of a long process and food chain. One of the major factors for a cow to give authentic organic milk is determined by where she lives.    Here's what happens when she lives on a conventional dairy farm:   Most of the time she is tied, [...]
waste management
1 min read
Littered cigarette buds can cause cancer.  Cigarettes are the most littered form of garbage in the country.  This world cancer day, we set out for our waste management drive and this time too, the most common litter on the road were stubbed cigarette buds.  As an organization, we are very close to the planet.  As we dug deep [...]
2024-0526 Pooriyambakkam Farm 07
1 min read
Coconut trees are called the tree of life as they are a magnificent symbol of growth, nourishment, and interconnectedness. True to its name, from fruits to leaves every part of the tree has something wonderful to offer.  In India, it is the most popular fruit in our household. Everywhere we go, we find coconut trees, coconut [...]
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1 min read
Nutrition in food is directly dependent on the nutrients in soil. Healthier the soil, healthier the plant, fruits and vegetables. But what happens when the soil in itself is deficient in nutrients? A soil health survey in 2019-20 by the Indian Government shows average Indian soils are 55% deficient in nitrogen, 42% deficient in phosphorous [...]
1 min read
For a food that dates back thousands of years, it is in the recent past that organic honey has been creating a ‘buzz’ in the food circuit as a natural, healthy alternative to almost all kinds of sugars. Honey comes from beehives. If one is to compare a beehive to a corporate office, it is [...]
1 min read
Once upon a time, in an organic land not-so-far away, was a glass of organic milk. The milk was wholesome and nutritious for it was from happy, healthy cows feeding on organic fodder grown on chemical-free soils. The milk was lauded by patrons far and wide for its purity, its freshness and the benefits it [...]
Free roaming cute calf in the farm
1 min read
Are you having trouble sleeping? Feeling tired all the time? Eating more or less than usual? You could be STRESSED! Stress is a common response of the body to our environment. It happens to everyone and our bodies are designed to experience and react to it. The same holds true for animals too. A sudden [...]
1 min read
Some of us ‘Eat to live’ while others ‘Live to eat’. Whichever side you may be on, one thing you can’t be on the fence about is nutrition!  With over 80% Indians suffering from nutritional deficiencies and one in four Indians battling obesity, it makes one wonder - are we overfed and undernourished?  As a [...]
coconut oil fresh
1 min read
As one of the 3 countries that produce 70% of the world’s coconut oil, India is home to this wonder liquid. With its myriad uses ranging from cooking, to home remedies and cosmetic purposes, coconut oil has made its place in our kitchen shelves (and hearts!) pretty permanent.   One of the purest forms of coconut [...]
1 min read
Have you ever wondered what happens to the leftover food at a restaurant, that tissue you wipe your hand with or to the ‘inedible’ parts of fruits and vegetables that gets ‘thrown away’? It reaches our landfills, adding to the garbage crisis in the country! According to the Ministry of Environment, Forrest and Climate Change, [...]
1 min read
When we talk about milk, the word that usually prefixes it is ‘fresh’. But how do you know whether your glass of milk is actually farm fresh? The truth is, you don’t! With advances in science, it is now possible to increase the shelf-life of milk without impacting the taste and texture in a noticeable [...]
banana conventional
1 min read
Nelson Mandela’s famous words, “Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world” rings true for almost all parts of life – including understanding the food we eat. With an effort to create awareness and educate people about food safety, the Environmental Working Group – a non-profit dedicated to helping [...]
DosaBatter_Mockup_Front - Copy
1 min read
Q: What do fluffy idlis, crispy dosas, soft uttappams and scrumptious paddus have in common? A: The secret to their deliciousness lies in their batter! If you were born after the dawn of the new millennium, chances are that you’re from the era of pre-packed Idli batter and dosa batter. But if you’re a tad [...]
happy cows
1 min read
The beauty of nature never ceases to amaze us. From the grandeur of mountains to the gentle grace of cows, all hold a piece of the puzzle that makes our world so rich and diverse. And yet, even the most seemingly simple things can hold the power to change our world for the better. Did [...]
1 min read
Farming is one of the oldest professions that mankind has seen. Roughly 12000 years ago farming was first practiced. From being the oldest profession to becoming the most ignored profession, farming has seen it all. When you look at the bigger picture, you realize that the farming situation in our country is saddening. A study [...]
baby in cloth
1 min read
It's a quiet day at our farm, and the only sounds that can be heard are the crickets, birds chirping and the gentle breeze rustling through the trees. A mother rocks her baby and hums, she sees her baby's eyes finally begin to droop, and the baby lets out a soft sigh. The mother watches [...]
pastic recycle
1 min read
It was like magic when man first invented plastic. From saving lives in World War 1 to being used in all aspects of life, from clothes to contact lenses and from mobile phones to automobiles as well as in medical equipment, plastic turned out to be an irreplaceable invention. In this age of plastic, only [...]
Akshayakalpa Farmer with farm-free cows
1 min read
Organic farmers are actually climate farmers. There is a saying that “Once in your life, you need a doctor, a lawyer, a policeman and a preacher, but every day, three times a day, you need a farmer.” We forget that everything we have in our society is built on agriculture. Recently, it has been found [...]
1 min read
Like chicken is to non-vegetarian cuisine, paneer is the versatile and delicious equivalent for vegetarians. Also known as ‘Cottage cheese’, paneer is fresh cheese with a soft texture that is a star of many an Indian recipe. Because of its unique texture, it doesn’t melt upon heating – making it the perfect ingredient for starters, [...]
curd (2)
1 min read
When popular journalist Dorothy Day said, “Food for the body is not enough; there must be food for the soul.” – she was probably talking about food that makes us feel better when we’re sick, warms us from the inside on a cold dreary evening or simply helps us relax after a stressful day. And [...]
kid enjoy milk
1 min read
Looking to be a conscious consumer? Want to prioritize your nutrition? Want to get healthy from within? Looking at exploring the latest food trends? Whatever your reason may be, organic food has got you covered. In simple terms, organic food refers to produce grown as per organic farming practices and without use of chemical fertilizers [...]
1 min read
The New Year has officially begun! It’s time for fresh beginnings and exciting adventures and we can’t wait to share it with you! At Akshayakalpa, we want to be a part of your health journey from A to Z. That got us thinking and we’ve compiled a glossary of words that we strongly associate with [...]
1 min read
If you’ve never curled your toes in loose mud and felt your worries wash away, then you’re missing out! A teaspoon of healthy and thriving soil is said to contain almost between 100 million to 1 billion living microorganisms. These soil bacteria are responsible for the bright smiles, feeling of calm, relaxed state of mind [...]
Celebrating Makar Sankranthi at the Akshayakalpa farm!
1 min read
Gratitude, harmony and peace– the underlying emotions that highlight the festival of Sankranti. One of the first festivals of the calendar year, Makar Sankranti celebrations in Karnataka mark the beginning of the harvest season. It is a celebration that pays homage to the lands that grow our food and the Sun God that showers us [...]
Pongal Celebrations Galore at Akshayakalpa Organic!
1 min read
At the Akshayakakpa farm in Pooriyambakkam, we don’t do anything by halves! It is with great enthusiasm that our team strives to create authentic experiences so our visitors can enjoy the truly traditional essence of every festival! The first month of the year brings with it the beginning of the harvest season, marked by the [...]
feeling blue
1 min read
Yes, organic food is ‘expensive’, but have you wondered why regular food is so cheap? More often than not, the true price of food is not visible in its price tag (A.K.A the price of your health!) In an ideal-case scenario, organic food wouldn’t be deemed expensive because that would be the only kind of [...]
UHT milk mom and son
1 min read
Need we say more? 7 reasons why organic milk is better than regular milk Looking to be a conscious consumer? Want to prioritize your nutrition? Want to get healthy from within? Looking at exploring the latest food trends? Whatever your reason may be, organic food has got you covered. In simple terms, organic food refers [...]
kid drink milk
1 min read
India could soon experience heat waves beyond the human survival limit- says world bank.    The World Bank report titled "Climate investment opportunities in India's cooling sector" said the country is experiencing higher temperatures that arrive earlier and will stay for longer this time.    In a world of rising temperatures and global warming, we have seen [...]
eating wellbalanced meals
1 min read
Often agricultural fields and gardens are inhabited by different pests and insects. You may worry that these pests will spoil your crop or garden. And you may even bend in towards using pesticides which would then affect your crops and even the food you consume in the long run.   So, what’s the instant solution?    Our [...]
1 min read
Science prevented the last food crisis; can it save us again?    The green revolution in India came into action in 1965. It was the time when people were thrilled with the introduction of chemicals like fertilizers and pesticides to their soil in the hope that crops will increase food production and alleviate hunger in India. [...]
farmer family
1 min read
The king may rule over land and sea,   The engineer may change the way this world is structured,   The strong soldier ride in pomp and pride,   The sailor roam over the ocean,   But this or that, whatever befall   The farmer must feed all.     Unrevealing the secrets of a superhero!    Food is everything. We need [...]
students visit farm
1 min read
We always enjoy having students visit our farms.    Medical students from the Ramachandrapuram university visited our farm in Puriyambakkam. We witnessed students having a great time at the farm as well as forging amazing connections between organic agricultural practices and how beneficial they are to human health.   When we asked about their takeaways, the discussion [...]
1 min read
Plastic is not the problem.  It’s what you choose to do with it, is the problem.    Since the 1960s, when plastic trash was first discovered in the ocean, we have known about the harm it can do to both humans and the environment. However, humans chose the path of inaction, and as a result, plastic [...]
Kid drinking glass of milk
1 min read
On the account of national milk day 2022, we want you to be sure about your glass of milk. Let’s take you on a journey of what makes Akshayakalpa milk truly 100% organic.  To start with, it all begins with “How” we take care of our cows.    Akshayakalpa farmers treat their cows as an extension [...]
1 min read
Dear Parents-to-be, As you prepare to embark on this new journey, we’re sure you’re filled with excitement and anticipation. Truth be told, nothing can prepare you for the adventures that lie ahead! With great love comes great responsibility. You would’ve heard the old saying, ‘Eating for two!’ This refers more to the quality of food [...]
Sustainable eating for urban households. (1)
1 min read
Organic food myths - Some call is a fad, some call it a saviour and some are just downright curious– but whichever bracket you might fall into, one thing for sure is that organic food is here to stay. Stay with us, as we debunk organic food myths! Organic food is food that is cultivated [...]
cow petting
1 min read
If only children came with a user manual, life would be so much simpler for parents! As the sole decision maker for their well-being, parents are faced with the gargantuan task of ‘doing right by their child’. And just when you think you’ve got it figured out, children change their preferences, likes, dislikes and have [...]
Everyone is a winner
1 min read
In the truest sense of the word, ‘Organic’ means ‘derived from living matter’. And although the dictionary denotes organic food as ‘food produced without the use of chemicals and artificial fertilizers’, it is the former definition that captures the essence of the word perfectly! Recent times talk about the benefits of organic for the body [...]
1 min read
If happiness for you is a loaf of freshly baked bread and if the aroma of butter melting on warm toast makes your heart happy, then read on! Akshayakalpa Organic Whole Wheat bread is supremely fresh, packed with nutrition and comes with a melt-in-the-mouth softness with every bite. But do you know what goes into [...]
curd (1)
1 min read
Curd is not only a staple in Indian households, it is rich in protein and also attributed to a number of benefits like good immunity, heart and bone health and a healthy metabolism. These highly advertised benefits are probably the reason we never stop to think about whether the curd we are eating is actually [...]
forgotten foods
1 min read
A few minutes of your time before we welcome you at Forgotten Foods! It gives us such joy that you will be joining us to celebrate World Food Day at ‘– ‘Forgotten Foods – Let’s Rediscover the roots’ on 16th October 2022 at the Akshayakalpa farm. As we gear up to take you and your [...]
Baby Steps Towards No Fuss Toddler Meals Fun and Healthy Food Ideas for Fussy Toddlers (1)
1 min read
When you think of yoghurts what does your palate crave? A study shows that most people indulge in decadent yoghurt flavours and consider it a healthy snack! Yoghurts have been in the picture for centuries now, and from the time of inception to today, they have been consumed as a healthy go-to option when one [...]
1 min read
Two roads diverged in the wood. And we took the one that is less travelled by, And that has made all the difference! Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. Where you are today is a direct impact of the choices you’ve been making over the years. Just like you [...]
1 min read
For a long time, we have been conditioned to see perfect, unblemished, brightly coloured as edible and delicious, and anything misshapen or imperfect as inedible. The time is certainly ripe for a change. Most of us are unaware of what and how natural produce looks and feels like. We assume it goes from the farm [...]
cheese board
1 min read
Do you often find yourself reaching for a bag of chips between mealtimes or that you can’t stop eating a packet of biscuits till it is finished? You could be dealing with an unknown carb-addiction! Most of us crave the tasty goodness of carbs. In fact, carbohydrates are an essential part of one’s daily diet [...]
kids with uht milk
1 min read
When it comes to the matter of adults and milk consumption, most of us stand divided between its pros and cons. Cow’s milk, which has been enjoyed by our ancestors without any complication for millennia, has now come under the scanner for being harmful and detrimental to health. Surely, something has changed along the way? [...]
Restored for Good (5)
1 min read
If you’ve made greeting cards out of eggshells as a child or eaten last night’s dinner for breakfast in a new avatar, then you have unknowingly been a part of the process of recycling. Simply defined: recycling means giving something a new purpose of use. Commonly, it refers to waste – plastic, metal, paper, fabric, [...]
kid enjoy milk
1 min read
The grey monsoon clouds looming in the sky have many of us sniffling and reaching for our hankies. Ill effects of weather changes like flu, cold, cough and other respiratory disorders have made people more conscious of the nutrition they are consuming. But the question remains, how is organic food better for dealing with ailments [...]
1 min read
Take a minute to stop reading and look around you. Is there any single use plastic in your vicinity? Straws, snack wrappers, medicine strips, plastic bags, teabags – plastic hides in the most inconspicuous places till it ends up in our landfills and oceans. India alone produces 40,000 tonnes of plastic every day, of which [...]
1 min read
Many single-use plastics - wrappers, bottles, or bags- say that they are recyclable. But just because they can be – doesn’t mean they are! Of the 8.3 billion tons of plastic in the world, 90% isn’t recycled. This means waste equal to almost 55 million jumbo jets is occupying our landfills and oceans today. Dairy [...]
1 min read
Whether one calls it Ramzan or Ramadaan, the holy month symbolizes many things. For some, it is a time of reflection and prayer and for some a period of cleansing the mind. But whatever the case may be, good food and quality time with family are a given in this month-long period of fasting. With [...]
Announcement of Akshayakalpa Organic receiving Fair Trade Innovative License
1 min read
When the co-founder of Akshayakalpa Organic, Mr. Shashi Kumar, began setting up an organization to elevate rural farmer livelihoods over a decade ago, he did not realize that his goals and ideals resonated with others around the globe. He decided to put the well-being of his consumers, his farmers, and the planet before his own [...]
cheese board
1 min read
Do you get enough protein in your daily diet? Put your body weight into the equation below to know how much protein the World Health Organization says you need every day! 0.8 grams -1 gram of protein PER 1 kg of body weight A person who weighs 60 Kgs requires a minimum of 48-60 grams [...]
cow romaing
1 min read
If our bodies are a factory, then hormones are the ‘managers’ that keep it functioning at optimum productivity. If these ‘managers’ are not in control, they have a negative impact on our overall well-being. While man-made versions of hormones, called steroids, are prescribed by doctors to treat imbalances, their unregulated use in the conventional dairy [...]
eating wellbalanced meals
1 min read
Indian mothers often rely on a glass of milk to make up for the nutrition deficiencies in their child’s diets. But what is one to do if the nutrition in the milk itself falls short? Contrary to popular belief, cows cannot convert junk food diets into healthy, nutrient-rich milk. Studies show that deficiencies in cows [...]
ghee Ak
1 min read
Ghee originated in ancient India centuries ago and has since been used in most Indian households for a variety of purposes. Ayurveda has lauded this golden liquid for its versatile medicinal properties. Unlike cooking oil, ghee is all-natural and rich in saturated fatty acids - it can be heated to high temperatures without the nutrients [...]
curd (1)
1 min read
Curd is a staple part of Indian diets. It is consumed by households across the country and in many other parts of the world. While it has been around for many centuries, in recent years it has been lauded as a wholesome superfood – a nutrient-rich food considered to be especially beneficial for health and [...]
Pioneering FarmerCentric Innovation with Self Tested Milk (1)
1 min read
Identify which of the following statements are TRUE a. Milk containing antibiotic residue is sold in India. b. Milk is not tested frequently and yet antibiotics are found often. c. Antibiotic usage in the dairy sector is unregulated. d. ALL OF THE ABOVE. India is the largest producer of milk in the world. Unfortunately, we [...]
curd (1)
Curd is a staple of everyday diet in most Indian households, across the country. While some might prefer a sweet version of it, others are partial to the savoury flavours. Nonetheless, the versatility of curd makes it an inclusive part of most cuisines in India and large parts of Europe and the Middle East.  Rumored to be discovered as a [...]
Buttermilk A Fountain of Health for All Ages (1)
Myths have been a part of Indian culture from the beginning of time and most of us have inherited a number of anecdotes from our grandparents. Pieces of advice, household remedies and myths have been passed from generation to generation – sometimes without a verified basis in science. Many of the questions revolve around consumption [...]
For the past few years, the global trend of ‘Superfoods’ has been on the rise. These are foods that are believed to be good for your overall well-being and linked to a multitude of health benefits. Virgin coconut oil has been on this elite list for a while now, however, the positive health benefits of [...]
kid drink milk
1 min read
‘Organic’ may be one of the most confusing words in the language today. The Cambridge Dictionary defines it as ‘Not using artificial chemicals in the growing of plants for food’ but in reality, it is much more than that. Simply put- It is food that is grown without synthetic additives, in a humane manner with [...]
farmer fodder
In the second part of our series on the World Food Day celebrations, we aim to shed light on the inconspicuous struggles of the Indian farmer, and understand how rural rejuvenation as a process ties together with the thought 'your food is as good as your soil'. In the case of the soil, the scarecrow [...]
Cultivating Green How Farming Emerges as the Biggest Carbon Sequestration Mechanism (1)
In the first part of our series for World Food Day celebrations, we aim to dig and delve deeper into the thought ‘your food is as good as your soil’, and unearth some nourishing extracts of knowledge and awareness. The black and green scarecrow, as everyone knows, stands still with a bird on his hat [...]
Cows roaming in the farms
  The difference between Buffalo and Cow milk!  There is no doubt about the nutritious value that milk adds to our lives. The health benefits it comes with are of paramount importance for all ages. Rich in protein, calcium, vitamin B12, and more, it is the most sought-after source of nutrition for a healthy lifestyle. We as humans [...]
Organically Grown Raw Mango Plucked in Akshayakalpa farm
2 min read

As the refreshing breath of spring fades away, it is all warm and wonderful everywhere and we know what season it is! It’s mango season. Can you imagine summer without mangoes? We can’t too! Year after year, as we bring home the pulpy yellow fruit, we bring home the season of joy.    Juicy, succulent mangoes, […]

Slices of cheese with different peppers
2 min read

Ever heard of the immortal milk? The one which is a whole food and is a rich source of Calcium, Fat, Protein, high amounts of Vitamin A, B-12, Zinc, Phosphorus and Riboflavin. Does it ring a bell? If no, does cheese sound familiar?  Throughout history, people have used fermentation as a method to preserve perishable […]


For years we believed this; for years now, we have held our confidence in the fact that Fresh milk equals Healthy milk. But is it though?    Some foods are not just a part of our diets, but a part of us, our lives instead. I believe it goes without saying that milk is one of them. When asked a few […]

Family grilling healthy Akshayakalpa Organic Paneer

The ultimate protein food! A tasty health snack! A quick munch! So many avatars but the food always remains the same. Of course, I am talking about Paneer. For a food that was born into existence just in the 16th century, its growth has been exceptional, slowly claiming its reign as one of the essential parts of our diet today.   However, with a surge in demand comes an aberration […]

Pouring a glass of organic milk from a jug
2 min read

What makes it so special? What makes it different? What does it mean? Thousands of questions raise when you hear the term ‘Organic Milk’. To be honest it’s not so special. It’s not so different. It just milk. It’s ‘the milk’ that nature intended to be.    First, let’s understand what organic milk is! Milk can […]

Man caring for calf
3 min read

It was 2010, that Akshayakalpa was born into existence when the goal was written down. It was one, that embraced the wealth of the land and that of the farmers.   It’s been 10 years. Yes, a lot of sweat, blood and tears have gone in the way. Yes, we had to move heaven and earth. And yes, […]

Akshayakalpa Organic Farming on Akshayakalpa cows grazing Lands.
3 min read
Humans are at the top of the food chain; they consume food and water whenever they feel hungry and thirsty. Owing to this, engineering of the farming systems over the last 10,000 years to suit their needs, and domestication of animals became necessary. One such domesticated being is Cow; revered in our culture and Mythology [...]
Cows gracing in the field
5 min read

Over past hundred years, the human population has quadrupled. Industries have expanded and the natural resources have been used in an unsustainable manner, without thinking of a long-term effect. Natural processes have been altered to fit the convenience or what seems to be the convenience of humans. One such example is the diet of the cows. In pre-industrialized times, […]

Cows feeding on organic fodder
3 min read
Balance is a feature of naturally occurring things. One cannot emphasize enough on the importance of a balanced diet. Just like humans, cows need a balanced diet too. A cow’s digestive system is more complex and works differently as compared to other animals. Did you know that only ruminant beings (the cow being one of [...]
Boon or Threat Poster for Antibiotics
4 min read

Antibiotics are one of the critical discoveries humankind has made. In a pre-antibiotics world, the most common cause of death was infections. A very harmless-looking wound could give one an infection that could cost them their life. However, this changed once the antibiotics were discovered and incorporated in medical treatments. The conception of Antibiotics dates back to the early 19th Century when […]

2 min read

A breath of fresh air, the sound of the rooster while your eyes behold the goodness of the farm. Isn’t this what we picture when you pour our daily glass of fresh milk from the local vendors? But have you ever visited the farm? Taken a stroll around? If yes, then we doubt you would […]

Slices of cheese with different peppers
2 min read

Do you remember the smell of freshly baked pizza right from the oven? Better yet, do you remember the taste that melts in your mouth after a bite of Paratha? Let it be pizza or paratha, do you know what makes it even better? Honestly, I doubt we can think of anything but Cheese! Today it […]

Nihal infront of a chess board
3 min read
A fierce battle of wit! With a king, a queen and soldiers of your own! Sure, it sounds interesting, but not everybody has the knack to win battle after battle, stepping on victories after victories to reach the Indian Grandmaster title, just at the age of 14. Nihal Sarin did! Inquisitive, exploring and eager to learn every single day. This was Nihal as a child. Did you know? [...]
Rathnamma harvesting the vegetables from farm
3 min read

Let it be a day when the sky decides to pour cats and dogs or a day when the sun scorches its heat upon, we never have felt her absence. For she is always there with a gentle smile on her face. The smile would grow even brighter, every time we call her name ‘ Rathnamma’. […]

Slices of cheese with different peppers
2 min read

So many cheeses! Too many flavours! When the chefs of our home are busy rustling around, inventing and analysing so many new dishes in their laboratory of a kitchen, sometimes they do tend to overlook a block of cheese. Is it processed or artisanal? How much of a difference can it actually make? Well, trust me it’s a lot. Indeed, processed cheese made […]

Slices of cheese with different peppers
2 min read

Hundreds of years and thousands of experiments! Would you believe when I say there are not tens, not hundreds, but over 2000 varieties of cheese that have found their way into existence, in the world of cheese! From the gooey viscous physics of melted mozzarella to the microbial mayhem behind your favourite fermented flavours, science has […]

Farmer feeding cow some grass
2 min read

Every morning there’s something that makes me wake up from my bed. The prospect of a new and beautiful day and well, of course, the soothing aroma of Coffee! For some it’s coffee, for some it’s a homely glass of plain milk. For a drink that is too familiar and indeed a part of our everyday life, […]

Boon or Threat Poster for Antibiotics
2 min read
Have you ever worried about dying from a small open wound or infection? Most of you would find it absurd, but this was the reality during the pre-antibiotic era. The antibiotics were introduced as a miracle drug in the medical industry with its ability to increase the life-expectancy. But the tables have turned now; what started as a life saver now poses a [...]
I took a walk down the lane of myriads of Indian cuisines. It was breakfast o’clock, and I had a plate of steaming hot Pongal in front of me. The savoury taste and the lovely aroma of the spices tempered with Ghee melted my heart. As I wandered farther, the clock ticked lunch. I watched [...]

We have now for long been used to the foods presented in a specific manner. We prefer foods that look perfect …


Antibiotics are a very critical discovery that humankind has made. They have made a significant contribution to…

Goodness of Wholesome Organic for the Whole family

Highest quality dairy products made using best of technology and traditional practices.