Green revolution
Science prevented the last food crisis; can it save us again?
The green revolution in India came into action in 1965. It was the time when people were thrilled with the introduction of chemicals like fertilizers and pesticides to their soil in the hope that crops will increase food production and alleviate hunger in India. The revolution did have its glorious phase. Only 30% more land was cultivated after the green revolution, yet the productivity of grain crops tripled. With a few exceptions, this was true everywhere. It felt like science could take over the world.
But despite the success, in the post-green revolution phase groundbreaking studies about food were revealed. Several scientific experiments unfolded that the food grown on pesticide/fertilizer-filled soil contains traces of these chemicals which enter our bodies when we consume it causing various ill effects over time. It was also seen that crops saw a steep decline in produce as the years passed. The reason being – the soil was contaminated with pesticides, and fertilizers and was devoid of its natural minerals.
Hence came the need for organic. The need to grow food and fodder without these harmful chemicals, the need to grow it just like our ancestors did before the revolution.
“Once upon a time all food was ‘organic.’ It was grown without the help of chemicals like pesticides, or chemical fertilizers. As we have seen that all began to change about fifty years ago, with the growth of the industrial food chain”.
The times’ post-green revolution were hard, and the ill effects continue to reach our plates and glasses even today. Although it solved the biggest food crisis in our country in the past, science has proved time and again that we can only be safe if we work with nature and not against it.
Today, we have a choice. The choice is to be aware of what exactly goes behind the scenes of our glass of nutritious milk and our delicious plate of food or to take the road of ignorance.
For thirteen years we have been working with farmers, growing our fodder on organic soil the right way for a delicious feast for our cows who then provide organic milk devoid of nasties.
At Akshayakalpa, we choose to show you what goes behind an Akshayakalpa glass of milk. You can come to visit us anytime at our farms and we are happy to show you around.
Would you choose to know what goes behind your glass of milk?
To book a visit to our farms check out our website: Farm Visit – Akshayakalpa