Give back the milk pack

Give back the milk pack

Plastic is not the problem.  
It’s what you choose to do with it, is the problem.   
Since the 1960s, when plastic trash was first discovered in the ocean, we have known about the harm it can do to both humans and the environment. However, humans chose the path of inaction, and as a result, plastic is now piled high in our landfills, seas, and most recently found in living humans. 
Today, out of one crore tons of plastic waste generated annually (35 lakh tons being single-use plastic), only a minuscule fraction of it gets recycled. And the rest of it goes to the landfill adversely impacting the flora and fauna and drastically impacting human health.   
At Akshyakalpa Organic, we chose to own up to our trash and hence launched the initiative – “Give back the milk pack”. Our customers follow a simple rinse, dry, return technique to give back their milk pack after use.   
So far, 7000 kg of Akshayakalpa milk, curd and buttermilk packets have been recycled through our recycling initiative. We and our customers choose to recycle plastic responsibly. 
What do you choose to do with your plastic?   
To know more about our initiative visit: