Are honeybees extinct in China?

China employs “human pollinators” to pollinate apples and other fruit crops to secure yields.
Farmers’ inputs in a recent study show that the population of some bees in India has declined by 80%.
Honeybees are moving fast towards extinction in the world. If all the honeybees died, humans would become responsible for taking up the slack. This is already happening in China, where a majority of the bees have already died. People ( Human pollinators) take buckets full of pollen and “paint” the pollen on with a paintbrush.
But, this could only be done with a few of the plants that require pollination because there simply aren’t enough humans to perform the task!
As Albert Einstein once said- “If the bee disappeared off the face of the Earth, man would only have four years left to live.”
Even in India, bees are in danger because of the frightening rise in climate change, habitat loss, pesticide use, and colony collapse disorder. But at Akshayakalpa bees are our best friends, we have been performing beekeeping agriculture for over ten years now, majorly for pollination and also to get delicious honey.
When you visit our farms you will see so many bee houses close to our farm growing area.
Do come to visit us at our farms to see how this beautiful ecosystem works.