The reverse migration story

The reverse migration story

“For of all gainful professions, nothing is better, nothing more pleasing, nothing more delightful, nothing better become a well-bred human than agriculture”. 
Toiling early and toiling late, 
Toiling patiently, day by day; 
This good woman when in this life,  
She is a kind mother and good wife, 
And manages her household with care, 
She and her husband a happy pair. 
And her name it will long be praised 
By the large family she has raised, 
She laid up treasures in the soil,  
just like any other custodian would do,   
the world comes to an end without her, 
She hopes her kids don’t live her life,  
don’t worry about making ends meet.  
Thy she sends them far far away,  
where grass is a snare,  
buoyant wings, soars and sings don’t exist. 
Unfortunately, the migration of farmers to the cities is the biggest concern today. Being one of the largest food-consuming nations in the world, every day 2000 farmers give up farming! But we can assure you, there is light at the end of the tunnel. 
We have over 950 Akshayakalpa organic farmers and 30-40% of our farmers have reverse migrated from the cities. 
Despite the fact that farming is the most significant occupation, which according to you is the main reason for farmers to migrate?